Thursday, October 1, 2009

You know you're back in college when...

Back down in Provo and living with roommates. Running on a motley assortment of foodstuffs and the clothes I can reach most easily in my still-unpacked mess. I'm in a ward of mostly freshmen, which is less undesirable than expected. There are a lot of cute, interesting, smart girls in the ward. I think I'll find some fun, new friends... among the girls anyway. The guys in the area are mostly unwashed miscreants. I'll stay right away. Glad to be at BYU. The people here in general are so great. I'm really loving my professors; the ones that aren't awesome would make awesome case studies... :)
Also, I just turned 20. At first, it really didn't phase me, but now I'm kind of weirded out. I'm not a kid, but obviously I am. I'm certainly not a grown up, but I'm doing grown up things and I don't have the excuse of teenagerness behind me for my many mistakes and failures.
In the middle of my birthday weekend, Syd was a pageant beauty. It was pretty impressive; she had quite a following. Her entourage included many qualified members. It was cool to me that she was smart enough ask for help. I was not. She did really well on stage, and she was glowing. She won the scholarship portion, but it was her confidence and her improved presence that were the biggest rewards.
I can't find where on my computer the pictures that go with this post, so they will come later...

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